You will create a brief, pre-recorded presentation on research into a Linux kernel related topic of your choice
10 ± 1 minutes long
Must include some sort of visual component
Must include some sort of live demo in the terminal, even if brief
Must include discussion of some snippet(s) of code that is relevant to your topic
Plenty of room to be creative 🙂
You will propose your choice of topic ahead of time
You may chose a topic from the list below or come up with your own
Each student must choose a unique topic, so check the #midpoint channel to see if your choice is available
The proposal must begin with a one sentence summary of the topic you wish to cover
The proposal must contain a rough outline of what you plan to discuss in the form of approximately a half dozen bullet points
We will reply to your message with the proposal to let you know if it is approved or what our concerns are if we cannot approve it
Submit your proposal in the #midpoint channel on Matrix by midnight February 27 2025
You will submit your presentation by posting a link to your recording in Matrix
Suggestion: use OBS to record your presentation as a livestream to youtube and set the video visibility to "unlisted" so only those with the link can access
You may use any video hosting platform of your choice, but make sure anyone with the link can acces your video before you submit
There is no peer review and additional final submission for this assignment
Submit the link to your video in the #midpoint channel on Matrix by midnight 20 March 2025
What is the OOM killer and what algorithm does it implement?
What is the Linux VDSO? What problem does it try to solve? How does it compare to other historical techniques like vsyscall?
How does the Linux BPF system let userspace run arbitrary code in kernel mode? What techniques does it use to ensure that this is safe?
Why are there multiple versions of some syscalls with numbers at the end (e.g. accept
, dup
, pipe
, etc)? What do the numbers refer to?
Why do some syscalls have a version ending in at
(e.g. open
, fstat
, rename
, symlink
, etc)? What issue were they added to address?
What mechanisms can be used in the kernel to do performance profiling and how?
What role does the rust programming language play in the kernel?
How do concurrent data structures and Read-Copy-Update (RCU) mitigate race conditions in the Linux kernel without using locks?
How does Facebook's sched_ext BPF extension re-implement the scheduler?
msg = (silence)
whoami = None
singularity v0.6-56-g8e52bc8