
Are you interested in getting extra credit in the course? Then read on.

If you notice any of the following:

Feel free to let us know by opening issues on our GitHub repositories We appreciate the feedback. In addition, we invite any interested students to work with us and improve the course. We can guide you through the process of making the appropriate changes and successful upstream contributions will result in extra credit.

Keep in mind that this policy covers anything in the course, including code, scripts, process, curriculum, formatting, style, security, design, testing, automation, devops, site reliability, IT, assignments, policies, or any other aspect that you can imagine and convince us is a part of the course.

Here's the repo for the course infrastructure

Here's the repo and branch for this semester's course materials

Extra credit will be awarded in proportion to the weight of the contribution, and some particular tasks carry a cash bounty.

msg = (silence)
whoami = None
singularity v0.6-56-g8e52bc8