When creating a patchset, you will generate a cover letter template file.
When you open the cover letter file generated by git format-patch
in your editor,
you will see a summary of all the changes made in the subsequent patches at the bottom
and two filler lines indicating where you can add the title (*** SUBJECT HERE ***)
and message (*** BLURB HERE ***)
to the email.
You must:
Replace the subject filler text with the assignment name and your username separated by a dash '-'
For example: Linux kernel - linus_torvalds
Replace the blurb filler text with your write-up
Failure to remove these filler lines including the asterisks will result in lost points.
The first line of your cover letter write up should state what you think your degree of success for the assignment was (from 0% to 100%), formatted as follows:
Completed: 100%
Following this, your cover letter write-up should include a short discussion that includes the following:
An estimate of how much time you spent working on this assignment
How you approached the assignment
A detailed description of any problems that you were not able to resolve before submitting
Failure to cover each of the above will result in a zero grade on your assignment. If your self-assessment of success is not 100%, please document all known issues. Be honest with your self-assessment. If obvious errors are discovered despite high self-assessment, then we reserve the right to give you a zero. We also reserve the right to dock points for grammatical mistakes and spelling errors.
msg = (silence)
whoami = None
singularity v0.6-56-g8e52bc8 https://github.com/underground-software/singularity