The #questions
channel on Matrix is the best place to turn.
If you're having an issue with something, chances are that
you're not alone and sharing your question publicly helps
everyone. Feel free to answer questions posted by other students.
Before posting a question, we encourage you to:
Carefully proofread your command or code for typos
Thoroughly re-read the assignment instructions
Read any relevant man pages or documentation
Read and research any error message or output
If you were stuck but manage to figure out something yourself, feel free to share on Matrix.
If you are not able to figure out the solution yourself, we encourage you to include the following information in your post. The more complete this information is when you ask for help, the easier it will be to help you.
What you were doing when the error occurred and what steps are needed for someone to reproduce it
Any input or output remotely relevant to the error
Include as applicable all of the following:
The command you ran and the output
Your complete source code and makefile
Any error messages
Any dmesg
or system log messages that seem relevant to the error
Any references or resources you consulted during your troubleshooting, such as man pages, websites, repositories, or documentation
What you have tried so far to fix your problem
Your best educated guess(es) as to what is wrong
msg = (silence)
whoami = None
singularity v0.6-56-g8e52bc8