Welcome to the class! Setting up a Linux environment
and compiling your own kernel is required for the course,
and this assignment will serve as a guide to get you started.
Use this as an opportunity to introduce yourself to the class,
and get your feet wet with the git send-email
patch submission process we'll be using.
Set up your Linux environment for the rest of the class
Get comfortable with building the kernel
Get familiar with git and git patches
Get familiar with how to submit to the mailing list via git send-email
Get familiar with the peer review process, which we will use for the rest of the course
Patch 1 adds $USER/setup/setup.txt
which contains a brief introduction about yourself
Patch 2 adds $USER/setup/qemu.txt
which contains the output of your qemu vm booting your new kernel
The first line of this file contains your new version string described below
The last line of this file is "reboot: Power down"
Don't forget a cover letter
Submit your patches to setup@spring2025-utsa.kdlp.underground.software
Install Podman
Windows: from the above link, select Podman CLI for Windows
from the Download
dropdown menu.
Select WSLv2 as your virtualization provider
Check the Install WSLv2 if not present
You will also need to create a .ssh
folder in your User directory if it doesn't already exist
Open the file explorer and navigate to C:\Users\$YOUR_WINDOWS_USERNAME
Add a new folder and name it .ssh
MacOS: from the above link, select Podman CLI for MacOS
from the Download
dropdown menu.
Double click podman-installer-macos-universal.pkg
in your downloads folder once it is done downloading
Run through the install wizard
Linux: Install Podman through your package manager
Open a terminal
Linux: open your terminal
MacOS: search for terminal
Windows: search for cmd
(Windows & MacOS only) Initialize and start the Podman machine
podman machine init
podman machine start
Build your container using the Containerfile we serve you:
sh -c 'read -rp "username: " username && curl -u $username https://spring2025-utsa.kdlp.underground.software/Containerfile | podman build -t kdlp_container -'
cmd /v /c "set /p "username=username: " && curl -u !username! https://spring2025-utsa.kdlp.underground.software/Containerfile | podman build -t kdlp_container -"
If you want vim
to be your default editor in your container, include the query parameter ?vim=yes
at the end of the above URL.
Create a podman volume for persistent storage
podman volume create kdlp_volume
Get into the container
podman run -it --rm --hostname kdlp --name kdlp -v kdlp_volume:/home kdlp_container
Clone the submission repository
git clone https://spring2025-utsa.kdlp.underground.software/cgit/submissions
Create the $USER/setup
directory and subdirectory
cd submissions
mkdir -p $USER/setup
cd $USER/setup
Add a file named setup.txt to this folder containing an introduction about yourself.
The content can be whatever you want, whether it be why you are taking this class,
your favorite ice cream flavor, or a fun fact about yourself.
Use whichever text editor you prefer.
has keybindings that should be familiar to most people,
however we include vim
in the container for advanced users.
nano setup.txt # or: vim setup.txt
Save and exit your text editor
Make a commit out of your changes
By default, git will not be tracking changes to newly created files.
Add your file to the list that git is tracking with git add setup.txt
then make a commit to save this version of the repository
so it can be shared with git commit -s
Note that the -s flag makes git include the "Signed-off-by:" or DCO line for you automatically.
See our page on patches for more information on the DCO.
Git will then open an instance of your preferred text editor to let you input a message for the commit. Put a title containing a
short summary of what you did on the first line, e.g. setup: add introduction for Linus Torvalds
. Press enter twice, and then write a more
detailed explanation that will act as the body of the commit.
There should already be a "Signed-off-by:" line for your account at the bottom. If not, add one, then save your changes and exit the editor to finish the commit.
Check to make sure you see the commit and it looks good by running git log -p
Your new commit should be the top most one, and you should see the title,
message, DCO, and difference view containing the changes.
If there is more output than can fit on one screen, git will open a scrolling view that you can maneuver up and down within using the arrow keys. Press q to go back to the terminal.
Go home
Clone the v6.13 Linux kernel release from git.kernel.org. It's recommended that you
set --depth=1
to minimize the download size.
git clone --depth=1 --branch v6.13 https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git
Download our provided
file and
init program into the your home directory
wget spring2025-utsa.kdlp.underground.software/assignment_materials/setup/init.s
wget spring2025-utsa.kdlp.underground.software/assignment_materials/setup/init.config
Make a directory called rootfs
and compile the init program, outputting to this rootfs directory
mkdir rootfs
riscv64-linux-gnu-gcc -pie -ffreestanding -nostdlib init.s -static -march=rv64i -mabi=lp64 -shared -o rootfs/init
Create a root filesystem
cd rootfs && find . | cpio -co > ../rootfs.cpio && cd ..
Enter the linux
cd linux
Create a file named localversion
in the linux
directory and add something cool.
We suggest it begin with a '.' character, and it must NOT contain spaces.
For example, cat localversion
might return
which will result in a kernel version like
Make a complete config from the provided config file
ARCH=riscv CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu- make KCONFIG_ALLCONFIG=../init.config allnoconfig
Build the kernel
ARCH=riscv CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu- make -j $(nproc)
qemu-system-riscv64 -machine virt -bios none -nographic -no-reboot -net none -kernel arch/riscv/boot/Image -initrd ../rootfs.cpio
At the top of the qemu output you will see the linux kernel version, along with the custom version string you set before in localversion
Re-run qemu
using shell redirection to capture the output in the file you will submit as patch 2
qemu-system-riscv64 -machine virt -bios none -nographic -no-reboot -net none -kernel arch/riscv/boot/Image -initrd ../rootfs.cpio > ~/submissions/$USER/setup/qemu.txt
Create another commit containing just the new $USER/setup/qemu.txt
cd ~/submissions
git add $USER/setup/qemu.txt
git commit -s
Next, you'll want to create a patch series, also known as a patchset, with a cover letter out of your commits.
To do this, run git format-patch -2 --cover-letter -v1 --rfc
includes the most recent 2 commits
generates a cover letter for the whole patch series with a summary
marks this as the first version of this patch set
marks these patches as a request for comment, which is required for all initial submissions (since they will be receiving peer feedback)
The result of this command should be your directory containing three new .patch
files, courtesy of git.
You'll want to open the first of these, v1-0000-cover-letter.patch
in your text editor so that you can write your cover letter according to the guidelines.
Don't forget to add the Signed-off-by
line at the end of the body.
Once you've finished your cover letter, send your patches to the class mailing list.
You can do this by running the command git send-email --to=setup@spring2025-utsa.kdlp.underground.software v1*.patch
Each assignment will have its own special address to send submissions to, in this case setup@spring2025-utsa.kdlp.underground.software
The expression v1*.patch
will be expanded by the shell into all file names matching
that pattern (any file whose name starts with v1
and ends with .patch
git send-email
will prompt you to ask whether it should send the emails, typing a
and hitting enter will send them all
If it is successful, the output should end with Result: 250
which indicates that the server accepted your emails
If not, do not hesitate to reach out in #questions
on the course Matrix so that we can help with troubleshooting
If your git send-email
output ends in Result: 250
then your patchset was sent successfully.
You can check the Course Dashboard on the course website to confirm your submission was received.
On the dashboard there is a section for each assignment that has been assigned.
Look for the section labeled setup
. In the table beneath it,
if you see a Timestamp
and Submission ID
in their respective cells,
your submission was received successfully. If instead, you see -
in those fields,
your submission was not received.
After submitting all later assignments, you can check the course dashboard to make sure your submission was successfully received.
msg = (silence)
whoami = None
singularity v0.6-56-g8e52bc8 https://github.com/underground-software/singularity