The instructors will not accept late work. Students receive a zero for assignments not submitted on time.
During a week where an assignment is due, the students must make two submissions and complete two peer reviews in three stages as follows:
By midnight on Tuesday, a student must make at least one submission. This is the "initial submission" stage. The student will not be graded on the content of this submission, however the student will receive a 0 for the assignment if they do not submit anything at all. Students may make as many resubmissions as they please, and only the last submission made before the initial submission deadline will be distributed as the target of peer review. Students will review each other's initial submissions in the following stage.
By midnight on Wednesday, a student must reply by email to two other students' initial submissions, providing feedback on anything wrong with the patchset and any suggestions for the other student to improve their final submission. This is the "peer review" stage. Triggered by the event of the initial submission deadline, automation will make all students' accepted submissions visible to the whole class and assign each student two others to peer review. Each peer review will comprise 10% of a students' assignment grade, for 20% of the total. Students who do not make an on-time initial submission will be excluded from the peer review process.
By midnight on Thursday, a student must make at least one more submission. This is the "final submission" stage. The wise students will take their peer's feedback and self-reflection into account and revise their work before the final submission, however they are not required to do so. Students can re-submit as many times as they please and they will only be graded on the content of the last submission made before the deadline, provided they made at least one initial submission. The grade students receive on the content of the final submission will comprise 80% of their assignment grade. Even if you are satisfied with your initial submission, you must make at least one final submission. Failure to make at least one final submission will result in a grade of zero.
There is one exception: The Oopsie
Instructors reserve the right to change due dates within reason. In such a case, we will provide advance notice to students. If the due date is being pushed forward, the notification will occur at least one week before the new due date.
msg = (silence)
whoami = None
singularity v0.6-56-g8e52bc8