All homework submissions must be submitted in the form of an
email patchset
generated by git format-patch
made in your local copy of
this repository
with a
cover letter
describing your work, and sent by git send-email
to our
mailing list.
As part of the peer review process for coding assignments in this class, each assignment will require you to submit each patchset at least twice.
Start your assignments early. If you run into issues and get stuck it gives you time to ask questions and get help before the due date so you can submit something on time and get credit for the assignment. If you finish early, you can resubmit.
Any submission that violates these guidelines or fails to compile with no warnings or errors will receive a zero.
With the exception of presentations, all work in this course takes place on our mailing list. Students submit assignments and review peer submissions on this list.
Each assignment involves the following three stages:
The student makes their submission to the mailing list using git-send-email
This submission is due on Tuesday the week the assignment is listed
If the initial submission is late, the student will get a zero on the entire assignment
The subject line of the initial submission patchset should be tagged as a "Request for Comments", otherwise known as RFC, explained here
Each re-submission should increment the version number in the subject line, explained here
Each student is assigned two other students' work to review on their submission dashboard
If the student approves of a submission, then the student will reply to the cover letter of the patchset with a single line containing the following:
In parallel, other students have been assigned the student's submission and the student should receive feedback from two other students
These reviews are due 24 hours after the initial submission deadline
A late or missing submission yields a zero for the review section of the assignment
If a student does not complete peer review their maximum assignment grade is 80%
Reviews are graded based on how many issues a student missed. The student receives 20% off for each unique issue not spotted with max penalty of 100%
The student, if canny, will act on the feedback from the received reviews
Regardless of whether the student made changes to their initial submission, they must make a final submission
A late or missing final submission will result in a zero grade for the assignment
This is due 48 hours after the initial submission deadline, and 24 hours after the peer review deadline
The overall assignment grade is composed of 80% for the final submission and 10% for each peer review
While the initial submission is not explicitly graded, failure to submit anything or submissions devoid of any effort whatsoever will result in a zero
Read this for more information about due date policies
msg = (silence)
whoami = None
singularity v0.6-56-g8e52bc8