Submitting assignments

All homework submissions must be submitted in the form of an email patchset generated by git format-patch from commits made in your local copy of this repository with a cover letter describing your work, and sent by git send-email to our mailing list.

As part of the peer review process for coding assignments in this class, each assignment will require you to submit each patchset at least twice.

Start your assignments early. If you run into issues and get stuck it gives you time to ask questions and get help before the due date so you can submit something on time and get credit for the assignment. If you finish early, you can resubmit.

Any submission that violates these guidelines or fails to compile with no warnings or errors will receive a zero.

With the exception of presentations, all work in this course takes place on our mailing list. Students submit assignments and review peer submissions on this list.

Each assignment involves the following three stages:

Step 1: Initial submission

Step 2: Peer review


Step 3: Final submission

Read this for more information about due date policies

msg = (silence)
whoami = None
singularity v0.6-56-g8e52bc8