Lecture 00: Thursday, January 23 2025



  1. Join the Matrix server ASAP!

  2. Do the first assignment: setup

    1. Initial submission is due Tuesday, January 28 2025 by midnight CST.

    2. Read the submission guidelines for gudidance but seek help if you are stuck

  3. Follow the meeting link to join the class every Tuesday and Thursday from 14:30:00 to 15:45:00 CST, unless otherwise stated.

Lecture overview

  1. Welcome to Introduction to Linux Kernel Development Spring 2025

  2. A bit about us

  3. Introduction to the course content and structure

  4. First assignment is due in a week as described above


  1. Our main website contains some slides and articles which might be of interest; keep in mind that this is optional.

  2. Use the FAQ and Help pages if you are stuck.

  3. We may use brace expansion syntax to simplify instructions

    1. e.g. foo{bar,baz,bum} is shorthand for foobar foobaz foobum
  4. Ensure you are extremely comfortable with C

msg = (silence)
whoami = None
singularity v0.6-56-g8e52bc8 https://github.com/underground-software/singularity